To the Delgado Lab at Rutgers University - Newark
Our Goal
Research in the lab bridges cognitive, affective and social neuroscience approaches to understand how positive and negative reinforcers affect neural and behavioral mechanisms that underlie our ability to learn, adapt and make good decisions under ever-changing social and environmental demands.
What We Do
We use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in conjunction with physiological and behavioral measures to obtain converging information aimed at addressing questions such as:
How does the human brain process stimuli that carry positive or negative value (e.g., rewards and punishments)?
How does it use this information to make decisions and guide behavior during basic processes (learning actions which lead to desired outcomes) and more complex social interactions which are integral to everyday behavior (e.g., learning to trust someone)?
How do we control or regulate our emotions to cope with social and environmental demands?
Our Mission
The Delgado Lab is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive space where collaboration, communication and respect for others is expected at all times. We welcome new and diverse perspectives in our lab and highly encourage applications from groups traditionally underrepresented in Psychology and Neuroscience to join our team as undergraduate researchers, post-bacc research assistants, graduate students, or post-docs.